Thursday, May 5, 2011


I am so cheap or desperate because one of my new year's resolutions was to not purchase any cards.  So I have been trying to make them.  Well, I have no envelopes and was running out of time when Easter was just around the corner.  So I decided to 'reuse' the same envelope to the same people that sent us Easter cards.  I thought it was hilarious but kinda sad.  They look so bad I had to take pictures.  The funny part was that no one noticed!!!!!  I need to call them to see if they actually made it lol :)

I blurred our address and the people we sent them to for privacy reasons.  

Envelope ripped and tapped

used an old card that I just wrote the name on it and scratched it out

put paper over our address and to cover up post office information

I made this one look pretty neat despite the reusing effect

This is by far my favorite because it looks so funny.  The paper is such a contrast to the pink envelope.

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