Source: via Hayley on Pinterest

Source: via Hayley on Pinterest
Yesterday, March 30th was my last day working as an Enrollment Counselor in the Admissions office at Washington State University. I LOVE My job as an enrollment counselor to help students go to college. I went to WSU for graduate school and learned a lot, met a lot of fun people and professors, and loved working with my co workers at WSU. They were such a big blessing in my life to pay for graduate school with an assistantship, hired me as program coordinator for the Imagine U program, my first real big kid job. And gave me a change to be an enrollment counselor. I met some of my life long friends working at WSU, people that left WSU and are still there.
I am honored to have worked with such an elite and passionate colleges. That quote from Coach Jim is so true: "I can't define it, I can't tell somebody who isn't a cougar what it's like. There's something that happens at Washington State; you quietly and subtly become infected...Washington State is a passion. Being a cougar is a passion."
It was a tough decision to leave for another opportunity (will explain later) but I feel this is the best for my family and in the long run. Thank you for the memories, experience, and for allowing me to join the cougar family. I will always consider myself a Coug and will be passionate on game days!
Thank you and GO COUGS!!!

Source: via Hayley on Pinterest